Your tax deductible donation can support our mission in many ways, including:
1) AEF's Regional Children's Mental Health Consortium: Helping to place CSPP graduate students in clinical psychology at a variety of youth-serving non-profit organizations. At each site, CSPP students bolster the capacity of existing organizations to better address the mental health needs of under-resourced children, youth, and their families.
2) AEF "Fellows" Program: A new program supporting up to 20 incoming students across the State of California each year in their pursuit of PhD and PsyD degrees in clinical psychology. Many of these students share a commitment to social justice and community impact, high GPA’s, some level of financial need, and in some cases, are the first to attend college or graduate school in their families. At scale, this program will support 80-100 such students with multi-year scholarships, peer connections, mentorship, and more.
3) Stephanie Byers-Bell Scholarship Fund: Newly established fund that will support an annual scholarship for a California School of Professional Psychology student at the Los Angeles campus who is of color and/or is conducting research related to gender equality, race and diversity.
4) Callan-Smith-Meltzoff Scholarship Fund: This scholarship is awarded to a California School of Professional Psychology clinical PhD or PsyD student who is pursuing his/her professional education and training in Clinical Psychology at the San Diego Campus.
5) General Scholarship Fund: Your donation to our General Scholarship Fund will be used to provide funding for students who have the greatest need. AEF will choose the deserving award recipients who will receive 100% of your generous contribution.
6) General Operational Support: Funding to help augment AEF's operations will be used where it is most needed to support our programs and help us fulfill our mission in the most efficient way possible.